The fastest, easiest way to run containers in your cloud account

See our Plans & Pricing page for more infromation about which features are available based on your plan.

Automatic DNS, TLS, and Ingress come built-in

When you create a new cluster, you get a URL to the 'Hello World' demo app. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to see a working web app, and even swap it out for your own.

To make this achievable, every cluster comes loaded with great Open Source apps we fully-manage:

We also handle DNS/TLS/Ingress to your clusters' Kubernetes API, separate from its main/data-plane NLB & ingress.

Manual scaling, auto-scaling & on-demand nodes *

Cost-fitting your VMs/nodes is critical to ensure you're not overpaying cloud providers for the resources you need.

Nadrama supports 3 types of scaling:

  • Manual scaling: allows you to set a fixed number of nodes per pool. Each node pool allows you to configure the instance type, availability zone, and subnet. You can separate out functions such as control plane (e.g. various controllers), ingress (i.e. Traefik ingress controllers), and others.

  • Auto-scaling: Cluster auto-scaling let's you scale each node pool dynamically based on load. We also support Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) and Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA).

  • On-demand: particularly for Job and Workflow-based Pods, being able to have a dedicated node start and stop only for the duration of that Pods lifetime can help to minimise costs.

User Groups & Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

Security best-practice is to follow the Principle of least privilege, meaning users should only be able to access the infromation and resources neccessary to do their job. Nadrama comes with built-in groups and roles, and when you invite new users to your account it defaults to the lowest privilege role available.

Plus you have the full power of Kubernetes RBAC to configure more advanced Roles & Permissions for each user or group on your account.

Great security for every account

Nadrama offers the same great security regardless of your plan type. Unlike many SaaS companies, we do not charge for OAuth sign-on with Google, Microsoft, or Github. And everyone gets secure app-based 2FA/MFA for free.

Managed clusters, with the support you need

We operate with a shared-responsibility model; Nadrama manages everything delivered on day 0 - if it comes pre-installed, we'll manage and support it. But everything you run atop is your responsibility. Depending on your plan type, we offering varying degrees of support. From our awesome community-based support & documentation, through to email and live chat, with phone support and SLAs available to enterprises.

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* = coming soon.


The fastest, easiest way to run containers in your cloud account.

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